Return & Refunds

In the case that you are unsatisfied with our product or services for any reason, you must file a complaint at within 1 hour of the delivery time for a full product replacement or full/partial refund.

Please note, we will not cater to any complaints made after 1 hour of delivery time because we provide and encourage freshness and hygiene…

My Cart ({{count}} item)
{{cart.price_percentage}} % OFF
{{cart.prod_title}}{{(cart.prod_utitle ? ' - '+cart.prod_utitle : '')}}
{{cart.prod_quantity}} {{cart.prod_volume_title}}

Rs {{cart.price_price - cart.price_discount}} Rs {{cart.price_price}}   x  {{cart.cart_qty}}

Rs {{getPrice(cart.price_price,(cart.price_discount > 0 ? cart.price_discount : 0),cart.cart_qty,false) | number }}
